Friday, May 22, 2020

Of Mice And Men Final Assessment - 910 Words

Amulya Parmar Mrs. Mack American Literature A4 September 29, 2014 Of Mice and Men: Final Assessment What truly is the â€Å"American Dream†? Furthermore, during the Great Depression, even the concept of the â€Å"American Dream† was not readily available and was no more than a fallacy at the time. For the 2 protagonists in Of Mice And Men, their dream, like many others, was to â€Å"live off the fatta the land† and become independent. However, this was not such an easy task at the time, not just because of the rough economic times, but because people of that era still had World War 2 still very fresh in their minds, with the harbored hatred and untrust that came along with it. Nevertheless, for the millions who died in the course of the war, this â€Å"American Dream† was not only something worth living for it was something dying for too. However, in the novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, the author emphasizes that the dreams and hopes were delusions and has a grim outlook on living life in search of a dream. The author continually exemplifies th e negative effects of dreams and hopes, specifically the â€Å"American Dream† throughout the book. This dream can also be explained by an individual overcoming all obstacles and beating all odds to one day be successful. However, in the setting of Of Mice and Men, it interprets more commonly in relation to owning land, leading a better and richer life, and living an independent lifestyle. Steinbeck uses Of Mice and Men to show how although theShow MoreRelatedJohn Steinbeck: An American Writer During the Great Depression1315 Words   |  6 PagesMillions of workers have been laid off and struggled in poverty on account of the great depression. Refugees and migrant workers traveled around the state, longing for job. 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