Sunday, October 27, 2019

Definition: Eco Tourism And Mass Tourism

Definition: Eco Tourism And Mass Tourism Eco-Tourism is a combination of two words Ecosystem and Tourism, together it is made Eco-tourism. Ecosystem is the system where everybody live, this system is compuse by the water, earth, sky and the living and not living objects such as micro-organism communities, plant, animal and their non living environment acting as a functional unit. Some examples to refer of ecosystem may be the river, the ocean, the jungle, a forest or a biome. And tourism means, the practice of travelling for pleasure. Therefore, a tourism which implicates a visit to an Ecosystem is well known as Eco-tourism. Thus, Eco-tourism can be defined as Tourism involving travel to areas of natural or ecological interest, mostly of the time under the guidance of a naturalist, having by objective learning about the environment making focus on wildlife awareness and conservation of the environment. However, Ecotourism still a new topic nowadays, the most acceptance definition is by Ceballos-Lascurain, who is generally a ccepted as the first person to define ecotourism Tourism that involves travelling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring, and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural manifestations found in these areas (Ceballos-Lascurain, 1991, P. 25). In addition, Ecotourism is a sustainable form of natural resources-based tourism that focuses primarily on experiencing and learning about nature, and which is ethically managed to be low-impact, non-consumptive, and locally oriented (control, benefits and scale). It typically occurs in natural areas, and should contribute to the conservation of such areas (Fennell, 1999, p 43). Fennell identified 13 main principles of ecotourism: interest in nature contributes to conservation reliance on parks and protected areas benefits local people long tern benefits Education and studies Low impact / non -consumptive ethics / responsibility management sustainable enjoyment and appreciation culture adventure and small scale In today world it is very easy to confuse Eco-tourism with mass tourism, but mass tourism is related to the number of people that visit a destination and most of the time those big groups are not eco-tourism because their only reason to visit those natural destinations is just for pleasure. They do not plan vacations to learn about the environment, know the culture of the destination and the most of the time they just expend the entire stayed in five start resort enjoying its facilities and they do not even has contact with any single natural attraction that the visit destination offer. 1.2 Importance of sustainable tourism Sustainable tourism has become essential for the tourism industy due to it is closely related to eco-tourism. Eco tourism is considered as the tourism development which try to capture a portion of tourism market that is attracted to natural beauties by providing low impact tourism products. Sustainable tourism would provide direct benefits to the local people. The private sector would assure least impact on the environment. Tourism projects will be initiated considering the size and scope of the land character with limited resorts located close to existing infrastructure offering economic benefits to local communities. It also includes development of preferential tourism zones committed to sustainable development and carrying out specific practices (Rauschelbach et al, 2002, pp: 229). 1.3 Benefits of Eco-Tourism practice The importance of the Eco-tourism and the benefits that this activity provides is indispensable for the sustainability of the natural destination. Eco-tourism is the only kind of tourism that provides awareness to the visitors as well the local population involving then in activities to preserve the destination, understanding the environmental issues and explain the consequences before they take place. Eco-tourism trainee the local populations in order to visualize the visitors as an alternative of income that will contribute to the destination survive. With significant economic benefits the local population needs to see their natural area as a source of income, conserving their local destination avoiding activities like cutting down all their rainforests that just contribute to the global warning. Tourism is the world ´s largest industry; in 1950 the number of tourist went from 25 million up to 702 million in 2000. Acoording to the World Tourism Organization for this 2010 the tourism growth rate will reach 1 billion and 1.6 billion in 2020. With the growth of science and technology, abundance in economy and revolutionary changes that have happened in the field of transportation have contributed largely to the development of the tourist trade all over the world. In todays world an individual can have breakfast in London, lunch in New York and dinner in Tokyo (Cooper and Hall, 2008, pp: 377). 2.0 Main body 2.1 Presentation of Cabo San Lucas as Eco-Tourism destination Cabo San Lucas has become an important vacation and spa destination located at the tip of the Baja peninsula in Baja California Sur, Mexico. This destination is well known for its natural attractions such as the sea of Cortez where the tourist can enjoy of several activities like whale watching, snorkel, kayak, scuba diving, parasailing, tours to the arch, and banana boat. The colorful desert with unique plant life is a natural curiosity in los Cabos, where hiking, ATV and horseback trip explore the area. The sea of Cortez is nationally and internationally recognized as ecosystem of significant biological, social and economic value. The Mexican government, who recognized the importance of the island, establishes then as natural protects area in 1978, under the category of flora and fauna protection area. Internationally the island is known as biosphere reserve by the UNESCO. Because of the beauty and natural of the destination and surrounding marine areas, visitors have the possibili ty to learn from this ecosystem. 2.2 Cabo San Lucas emerging issues For Cabo San Lucas still been a challenge the duty of educated local people and tourism to preserve the destination. One of the biggest obstacles to develop eco-tourism in Cabo San Lucas is the number of interest from the public and private serctor, especially in this destination that contain a vast American influence. For example, for some Tour Operators is very easy to pretend that they are bringing to the destination Eco-tourism but behind this, is just mass tourism. At this stage the destination is facing several emerging issues such as: The overfishing hurting of hundreds species including the Marlin and Tuna. The local population kill its flora and fauna to made local souvenir which are comercialize with the tourism. The local population is relative poor and is lack in knowledge and education, therefore they do not contribute to the conservation of the destination, as a method of income they operate tours in the Cortezs sea (using pangas, local wood boats), without respect the navigation rules such as the distance that they have to take in a while watching tour as well as the proximity to the sea lion colony. International investment in construction like Riu Hotels (Spanish company) which in 2007 built the Riu Sta. Fe with 1100 rooms and still operate as normal avoiding the FONATURs regulation rules ( National Fund for Tourism Development) . To clarify this example, in Cabo San Lucas is allowed hotels construction up to 900 rooms mention by FONATUR. Due to airline incresing price most of the tourist are opting to visit the destination by cruiseship which contribute to the massive desturbe of the fauna and pollution of the water. The mass tourism is overcrowding the destination through overbooking the accomodation and service facilities creating chaos in public areas such as bus transportation, beaches, parks and hospitals. The destination waste disposal is increasing due to the mass tourism. 2.3 Eco-Tourism strategies implement by Cabo San Lucas At this stage, the SEMARNAT (Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources) together with the CONANP (National Commission of Natural Protected) are implementing in the destination two eco-tourism strategies: A code of ethics for visitors and tourism operators, that have been implemented to complement the legal requirements in the destination having by objective the reduction of the emergencies issues mention before. This code of ethics is basically focus on tourism operators behaviors forcing them to: maintain the natural integrity of the places visit; respect the livehoods and culture of the local people. make a solid effort to be less wasteful with the natural resource. ensure waste disposal has not environmental impact. develop a recycling programs; support different companies in the hospitality and tourism industry that work under environmental policies. increase the network with other tours company in special those in the local area to keep aware of new conservation programs, environmental policies and eco-friendly techniques. get the appropriate education and training on Eco-tourism and low impact techniques such as respectful for the environment and local culture. support local economy but do not buy goods made from threatened or endangered species such as turtles; never disturb the wildlife and wildlife habitats. follow by the book the rules and regulations in protect areas; advertise truthfully and inform to the tourist about the natural and local history providing them useful materials. make sure that the clients that are coming are aware of the regulations, norms and code of ethic applicable in the visit destination and develop an environmental education program with the local communities. A guide for environmental tourism practice that refers to how the destination regularized activities related to bird watching, sea lions, diving and snorkeling, recreational booting etiquette, whales and dolphins, turtles and sport fishing. Some of those environmental tourism practices are summarizing here: obtaining permission from SEMART through the direction of flora and fauna protection area Islands of the Gulf of California before visit the island. forgibbean feed native animals. camp only on designated area. use only biodegradable products. is highly recommend visit the exotic fauna colonies with guide. watch the fauna from distance avoiding disturb or stress them. never attempt to touch the fauna, the boat have to be 90 feet away from the rocks and islets. avoid making loud noises and using strong lights near the colonies. it is forbidden by law to damage or remove coral or other marine organisms as well collect natural souvenirs like coral, shells, etc. do not interfere with the natural movements of the fauna. before fish make sure to have the permit through the local SAGARA office that provides information on official bag/size/ tackle limits, protected species and seasonal closures. As example of this successful Eco-tourism strategies, Olympus Tours one of the biggest tour operators from USA which is bringing to the destination more than 33.000 tourist year over year yearly, is totally agree with the procedures mentioned before and as prove of this in carryon the following iniciatives: Increasing employment opportunities for local residentes. Support and promote the local culture and customs. Contribiute to prevent the exploitation of children in tourism. Foment activities where the tourist interact with the local people. Operate safe trips for the natural envaironment and the tourism. Support local communities and organization. Work with suppliers that share the same social responsibility. Avoid activities which exploit flora and fauna such as diving with dolphins. Reduce energy consumption. Recycle as much as possible. Agrements with establishments and hotels that implement eco-friendly techniques and green practices. Another success example of the eco-tourism strategies in the destination are related to the hotels and resorts which are implementing several eco-friendly and green techniques such as: Intercontinental chain that asks to its customers to conserve water by reusing towels and limiting the number of times the linens are changed. Barcelà ³ chain is adopting many local plants that thrive in arid Baja in its landscaping an stead of grass that require daily irrigation. Nh-hotels has introduced for its customers the leastest technology in room functions, controlled by LCD where the air condition turns off when the patio door is open. Riu Hotels has finished its remodeling project replacing the baths with walking showers. Hilton Los Cabos is changing its wedding concept, offering to its customers a new phenomenon called green wedding. This package offers to brides and grooms a lot of alternatives adding green elements into their destination wedding. Based on the nature of the destination and the natural beauty of the surrounding environment, couples can choose an outdoor wedding area offered by the Hilton Los Cabos like lagoons, seaside gazebos, white sand beach, therefore reducing their energy used by having the wedding during the day. Dining service will include organic items such as organic tequila, domestic wines and organic cakes. End the celebration with eco-friendly fireworks that produce less smoke than the regulars and reduce the number of toxic metals that commonly left in the water. 3.0 Conclusion 3.1 Summary the importance of Eco-Tourism in destinations The Eco-tourism presence in natural destinations is becaming more and more importante for the sustainability of the destination. Eco-tourism main function is develop awarenesses between local people and tourist regarding the importance of the preservation and conservation of the natural environment as well local culture. As was discused above, Cabo San Lucas with the impact of the Eco-tourism is becaming as a green destination with several Eco-friendly iniciatives form the hospitality supplieres such as hotels and tour operators. Customer are willing to pay more for accommodation that promote green activities, and Hilton hotel can not be a better example of this transformation, which is offering to its clients green weddings introducing to the market a vast of green items such as out door facilities, organic dinner, organic cake and low smoke fireworks. All those elements have by objective the reduction of the negative impact in the destination. Another positive impac that eco-tourism bring to the natural destination is related to the economic aspect.Cabo San Luas has been growing rapidly in the past 10 years with mega constructions projects such as resorts, shoping malls, hospitals, speedway, international airport amplification that drive to the destination the international brand business such as Wallmart, Mc. Donalds, Hooters, burguer King and starbucks which increase and improve the laboral condition with several available positions. As was mentioned before, the destination has a significant international influx form Americans and Canadeans and it is semeed through the biggest tour operatior that bring tourism to the destination like is Apple Vacations, Olympus tours, The Mark Travel Corporation, Thomas Cook among others which are incentive and promote in Cabo San Lucas the Eco-tourism as an alternative way of travel. Today, there are Green Laws of preservation, which are making people aware of how humans and the environment can cohexist beneficially for more time to come and Eco-tourism is one way to maximize the environmental and social benefits of tourism, without exclude the economic developments having by objective the sustainability of the culture and environment. 3.2Recommendation to overcome emerging issues in Cabo San Lucas The Eco-tourism strategies that Cabo San Lucas is applying to contribuite with the sustainability of the destination are a code of ethics for visitors and tourism operators and a guide for environmental tourism practice which ones had been showed evidence that are working very well. However there is opportunity to improve, there are many things that have gone unobserved by the autorities. There is a need for altering the landowners act as it has caused many conflicts. The local landowners should be guaranteed with the insurance policies so that they can support the tourism activities that help in sustaining the resources. Department dealing with allotting areas and granting permission should frame uniform policies so that recreational providers dont get confused while asking for permission. It is believed that most of the tourists dont respect the local culture and also the local people. Tourists should be told to respect the local crowd and local culture. There is need for proper management in Cabo San Lucas and also the tourists should be allowed only during the certain seasons for activities like while watching and other watersports. Authorities need to work and implement aggressive marketing policies for the the destination as well foment activities where the new local generation get involve with the culture and preserve the sustainability of this one. Retrieved from

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