Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Karl Marx And The Communist Manifesto Essay example

Karl Marx And The Communist Manifesto Because the first printing of the Communist Manifesto was limited and the circulation restricted, the Manifesto did not have much impact on society after it was written in 1848. This meant that there were not many people who had access to the document. It wasn’t until 1871, when the Paris Commune occurred, that the Communist Manifesto began to have a huge impact on the working class all over the world.[i] The Paris Commune, which was the insurrection of Paris against the French government, resurrected the idea of communism that had been banished for good just a few years after the Manifesto’s publishing. It created widespread interest of the Manifesto among the†¦show more content†¦In disassociating themselves from dictatorial Russian Communism, many of the democratic socialist parties also moved slowly away from Marxist theory. Communists, however, regarded Marxism as their official doctrine, and it is chiefly under their protection that it spread through the world, although its concepts of class struggle and exploitation have helped to determine other policies of welfare and development in many nations besides those sticking to Communism.[iv] The Soviet, Chinese, and other Communist states were partly structured along Marxist classless lines, and while Communist leaders such as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin , Joseph Stalin , and Mao Zedong claimed Marxist beliefs for their assertions, they in fact greatly stretched the doctrine in attempting to form it to their own uses.[v] Marxism has had a profound influence on Russia, China, and many countries in Africa such as Ethiopia, Angola, Kenya and Senegal. In recent years, however, Marx’s influence has weakened and will continue to weaken as a result of the decline of the Communist bloc in Eastern Europe. The Communist Manifesto recognized the unstoppable wealth-creating power of capitalism, predicted that it would conquer the world, and warned that this inevitable globalization of national economies and cultures would have painful consequences.[vi] Marx and Engels would probably not want to be remembered forShow MoreRelatedKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto1044 Words   |  5 Pagesworld was forever changed when Karl Marx published The Communist Manifesto, the ideas of a stateless and classless society would inspire many, and forge the path that many nations would follow, and give rise to numerous conflicts throughout the 20th century. Karl Marx was born in Trier, Germany on May 5th 1818. During his early years he studied philosophy and law, in 1834 Marx had moved to Paris and had adopted a radical view of socialism known as communism. Marx met and became friends with aRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx1364 Words   |  6 PagesThe Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, has become one of the world s most significant pieces of political propaganda written to this date. The main contributor to the book was Karl Marx. Marx was born on May 5th, 1818 in Western Germany. When he turned seventeen he enrolled at the University of Bonn to study law. Due to his social misbehavior, his father had him transferred to the University of Berlin, which had a stricter regime. During this time at college, heRead MoreKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto1185 Words   |  5 PagesIn their work called The Communist Manifesto, which was created in 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are exploring their ideas and thoughts on the situation that was taking place in their time : the distinction that was more and more visible between two social classes - proletariat and bourgeoisie. The two authors are explaining how the bourgeoisie is exploiting the working class. They are encouraging the oppressed workers to rise and to confront this injustice in order to make their life betterRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx1094 Words   |  5 Pagesthe rich and the o ppressed would battle the oppressor. During the time â€Å"The Communist Manifesto† was written, we can see two distinct classes battling out as well. These two classes are the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. According to Karl Marx in â€Å"The Communist Manifesto†, the battle will end â€Å"either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes† (Marx 8). Marx argues that in the end the proletariat would remain because the bourgeoisie areRead MoreKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto1112 Words   |  5 PagesFail- Past, Present, and Future Karl Marx was born in Prussia in 1818. Later in his life he became a newspaper editor and his writings ended up getting him expelled by the Prussian authorities for its radicalism and atheism (Perry 195). He then met Fredrich Engels and together they produced The Communist Manifesto in 1848, for the Communist League. This piece of writing basically laid out Marx’s theory of history in short form (Coffin 623). The Communist Manifesto is mainly revolved around how societyRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx Essay1374 Words   |  6 PagesKarl Marx is undoubtedly one the the most influential and controversial writers in modern history; Robert Tucker, a noted political scientist at Princeton University, once asserted, â€Å"[Marx] profoundly affected ideas about history, society, economics, ideology, culture, and politics [and] about the nature of social inquiry itself. No other intellectual influence has so powerfully shaped the mind of modern left-wing radicalism in most parts of the world.† (9). Indeed, his innumerable works, in particularRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx Essay1426 Words   |  6 PagesKarl Marx is undoubtedly one the most influential and controversial writers in modern history; Robert Tucker, a noted political scientist at Princeton University, once asserted, â€Å"[Marx] profoundly affected ideas about history, society, economics, ideology, culture, and politics [and] about the nature of social inquiry itself. No other intellectual influence has so powerfully shaped the mind of modern left-wing radicalism in most parts of the world.† (9). Indeed, his innumerable works, in particularRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx1678 Words   |  7 PagesThe Communist Manifesto composed by Karl Marx in 1848 is noted as a standout amongst the most powerful political archives on the planet. The distribution of the book earned Marx the notoriety of a conspicuous humanist and political scholar. Regardle ss of his eminence, there are numerous discussions concerning the thoughts and ideas of socialism figured in the papers that are still heatedly faced off regarding even today. Marx (1998) opened the book with, The historical backdrop of all up to thisRead MoreKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto1453 Words   |  6 PagesIn the Communist Manifesto, a document that first proclaimed the ideology of communism itself, Marx declared that the â€Å"history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles† (Marx, Karl and Frederick Engels). As a man who spurred resentment of governments and inspired revolutionaries, Karl Marx is often regarded as a man who led to the rise of 20th century tyrannical dictators such as Stalin and Mao to take power. His ideas are regarded as failures and, by some, are seen asRead MoreKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto993 Words   |  4 PagesKarl Marx published The Communist Manifesto in 1848, and with it a public warning to capi talists that the entire economic, social and political systems would soon crumble. His prediction continues by stating where society was headed as a result of bourgeoisie economics: a revolution by the workers and the eventual ushering in of socialism. Soon after Marx publicized the reasons communism would come to conquer capitalism, riots, strikes and general unrest surfaced in France – just as he predicted

Monday, December 16, 2019

Undersea walking in Mauritius Free Essays

The article is about Undersea walking in Mauritius, and has been written for a travel supplement for The Daily Telegraph. It is based on the style model â€Å"Guatelama shows its true colours† – a travel review from this newspaper. Its purpose is to inform and entertain, and the target demographic is the middle class family seeking an exotic destination. We will write a custom essay sample on Undersea walking in Mauritius or any similar topic only for you Order Now Titled â€Å"Under the Sea,† most will immediately notice the intertextual reference to a song from the famous Disney movie â€Å"The Little Mermaid.† This suggests not only that the article will be related to the sea, but also that the activity will be suitable for children, because of the Disney film connotations. The title’s aim is also to give a summary of the main lexical fields covered in the article, the sea, swimming and wildlife. Other lexical fields include advice and safety; however, although these are important they are not very exciting, and so are not in any way suggested by the title. In conjunction with my style model, photos are placed in between paragraphs, which graph logically help the reader to establish a rough idea of the subject matter, and demonstrate the progression of the text, i.e. The first image shows a person getting into the water, and the next actually shows the people submerged. The small blue text box at the bottom of the second page connotes water, the sea and tranquillity, creating cohesion with the rest of the article. The article is stylistically informal, achieved by the first person narrator disclosing their feelings and emotions. By using personal pronouns such as â€Å"you,† the reader feels more involved in the article, as they are being addressed directly. Idioms are also used, such as â€Å"what on earth† and â€Å"let’s face it,† giving the text a more conversational and relaxed feel. A dysphemism (â€Å"dumped under the sea†) in the first paragraph further helps the reader to identify with the writer’s emotions, making the text entertaining. The penultimate paragraph is designed to inform people of the benefits of an undersea walk as an introduction to diving. It does this by frequently using modal verbs, for example â€Å"would†, increasing the writer’s certainty and the reader’s confidence in the advice given. However, it also uses the modal verb â€Å"may,† which while indicating that an undersea walk â€Å"may be a good predecessor to their first dive,† it also covers the possibility that it may not. Throughout the article, periodic sentences are used, to keep the reader engaged as well as to create suspense. An example of this is in the first paragraph – â€Å"fair enough, it was a once in a life time opportunity, but then, as I stared down into the deep expanse of water, I began to doubt my decision.† The reader feels compelled to finish reading the sentence, as the main point is not reached until the end. This therefore, encourages the reader to read on, whilst also ending the paragraph dramatically. How to cite Undersea walking in Mauritius, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Accounting Software and Business Solutions

Question: Discuss about the Accounting Software and Business Solutions. Answer: Introduction: The report is intended to provide an understanding of the various functions performed by a Baker. Thereby discussing the processes of the organization and understanding the business activities of the bakery. The first part of the report deals with development of the necessary functions or rather the indispensable functions, which are performed at the bakery, and discusses about the outcomes, which are required to achieve the necessary objectives of the business. The report further discusses about the possible software functionalities, which the company should consider in order to achieve the various types of accounting objectives and current issues. For the listing, accounting software package the websites of SAP, MYOB and Xero accounting software has been visited to make the final decision of the software, which is most applicable for B bakery. The later part of the report shows the comparison and the contrast of the various features and functionalities of two of the accounting soft wares among the selected three packages. The primary objective show the comparison and select the most suitable accounting software package for B bakery and providing the rational for the same (Maggi 2014). Defining the business processes Job description of a Baker Baker is an individual who is specialized in mixing and baking the ingredients as per the recipes prepared varieties of pastries, breads and baked items. These baked goods are further sold in the restaurants, wholesalers, grocers and to notional food centers. A Baker is responsible for checking the quality of ingredients, observing color and condition of products, which are being baked, setting of open temperature and placing of the Dough into pans, sheets or molds. A Baker is also responsible for combining of the different ingredients into mixtures or blenders and rolling or shaping of the dough. In the recent times due to changing consumer demands, a Baker is also responsible for adding the various types of toppings, icings and glazes in the baked products to make the products visually more appealing (Work.chron.com. 2016). There are mainly two types of bakers observed namely commercial bakers and retail bakers. The commercial bakers are generally employed in the manufacturing facilities for the production of pastries and bread. In the aforementioned manufacturing facilities the bakers are responsible for using high-volume mixing machines and equipments to produce standardized baked goods. They are often observed to operate in large areas consisting of automated machines, conveyors, mixers and ovens. The commercial bakers are responsible to follow scheduled production procedure and may involve in developing of new recipes (Sevenstarsbakery.com. 2016). The retail bakers on the other hand are considered those breakers who work in grocery stores or the charity stores, with a specialty in bakery. These bakers are generally known to produce smaller quantities of the baked goods as in contrast to the commercial bakers who work in large manufacturing facilities. The smaller quantities of the products are consumed by the people are placed for the sale in the spatiality shops. The small stores are known to take orders from the customers and follow a procedure of just in time inventory where the baked goods are prepared according to the order and then only sell to the customer. The various types of quantities prepared are often known to come in different varieties of sizes and flavors (Retail Bakers of America. 2016). Business process of the organization The business process of the B Bakery has to go through a series of process to reach to the consumers. The first process of the bakery includes sourcing of the raw material and paying of the ingredients. The weighed raw materials are then placed in the mixer for an automated process of mixing the dough. The dough is divided with the help of a divider and placed into the Rounder for giving it the proper shape. The products are placed into check weigher and then further placed into the molder for further processing (Cauvain 2015). The next step involves placing the baked product in a prover give the intended shape to the baked products and finally they are placed in oven for the baking process to take place. The next step involves the depanning of the baked materials and placing the baked products in cooler. The final step of the baking procedure involves packaging and placing the product in weigh machine to get the final estimate of the finished product (Mogol, B.A. and Gkmen 2014). Th e processes of the baking activities are shown below with the diagram as follows. Figure 1: Business activities of baking (Source: Wu et al. 2016) Developing business requirement Processes which are indispensable to perform The B Bakery is found to be operating with 70 employees and having a revenue more than $ 13.5 over the years. Due to the immense experience of the company in bakery, it is essential for it to maintain a sound accounting system for ensuring stability in the performance of the business activities. In the given case although the form has acquired an accountant for maintaining the books and showcasing of financial results every year still the firm has identified the need for an accounting software. Some of the process which are indispensable in nature includes maintenance of top-quality ingredients, pre-fermented sourdough, ensuring maximum customer satisfaction and a proper accounting system for tracking of cash inflow and outflow of the bakery. The company needs to decide between keeping a manual accounting system in compared to a computerised accounting system (Dobija 2015). The most essential concept of the bakery should deal with the fairness and accuracy in the journal entries of the accounting system. The journal entries are indispensable in nature as it is the very base of the accounting system. The company should further ensure that the journal entries are posted in the ledger account for recording and storing of income statement transaction and balance sheet items. Some of the examples of the general ledger account the inventory, investment, equipment and accounts receivable of the bakery. This is important because it shows the various accounts payable, accrued expenses and the deposits made by the customers. The general ledger is known for providing the summary of the records, which are used for purpose of controlling the accounts. The details are supported by the control accounts, which are further known as subsidiary ledger. This is particularly useful when the company is responsible for maintaining accounts receivable in the control account in the general ledger and the subsidiary ledger contains the customer credit activity (aicu 2012). Outcomes required to achieve the business objectives In order to understand the various types of outcomes required for achieving the present business objective a clear understanding of the present accounting procedure is essential. At present, the company is operating accounting system on manual basis. Stated the growth of the company in the recent years is essential to create a robust accounting system. The manual accounting system needs to be incorporated into computerized accounting software for achieving the present business objectives. This will ensure a real-time monitoring and ablation of the accounting entries as per the adjustment made in the day-to-day transactions of the bakery. The computerized accounting entry of the bakery will further ensure efficient operation of business as the time required will be comparatively less than the manual accounting entries. The accounting software will not only automate the process of posting the ledger entries but it will also help in making several types of financial analyses take a lot of time in manual processing. The financial analyses of the data will be based on different types of graphs and charts, which will show the analysis on the basis of the previous obtained data and the present improvements made by the use of new software. This will ensure the company is able to achieve the desired objective of the business. The computerized accounting software may involve some cost at the initial level but due to the potentiality of the business, it will be a lucrative decision for B Bakery to move forward with the decision of adopting the accounting system through computer software (Iacob, and aicu 2012). Determination of the systems requirements B Bakery can consider using accounting software, which will offer the complete solution for order management. The accounting software should offer the feature such as invoicing, costing, scheduling and pricing of the different types of the bakery items such as cakes, pastries, cookies, cupcakes, pies, bagels and many more such items. In order to be more efficient in the reporting standards the company needs to ensure using an accounting software which supports features such as cloud storage and real time updating of the all the data in the software in an automatic basis (Zubchyk 2014). The process of the bakery has to go through number of stages so the accounting software should be customized in such a way which will offer traceability of the finished items of the bakery and able to track then raw materials and the required ingredients from the suppliers. The accounting software should further involve the process of the manufacturer charge backs. This feature will ensure the opportunity of giving promotions, discounts, administrative fees and advertising. The accounting software should further ensure recipe management, which should have an integrated food software and is known for providing the formula for the version control and including the processing instruction of the food items available at the bakery. The implementation of the ERP systems should further include the support for Multitenant Database Container Systems. This system ensures the use of multiple isolated database and ensure the splitting of the tasks in a more efficient way. The accounting software should include the feature such as the cross database access of the different types of the database in the software. The software enhancement should further ensure features such as the backup of the database of the accounting data which will be useful for the purpose of ensuring a better adaptability to the changes which are required to be made in the in the existing entry of the accounting data (Rehkamp and Canning 2015). The overall improvement should ensure a lower latency time in the implementation process of then different types of the accounting software changes and then should include features such as dynamic tiring which will ensure that the customer will be able to get a better flexibility of the product offered by the B bakery. The implementation of the computer software system should ensure that the bakery is able to solve some of the key issues, which are being identified in the key areas of the bakery such as the management and maintenance of the accounting system on the basis of the few people to handle a large amount of the data. The accounting system should, be further integrated in such a way that the bakery is able to provide a real time update of the different line of products in of the bakery items which will ensure that the bakery is able to update the information of the deliveries which are being made in the supermarkets and pub-chains. In order to achieve the IT objective then bakery should, consider the use of automated vendor sourcing and vendor selection from then ERP integration. The selection of the vendor will ensure the best orice offered in t he industry. The Bakery should moreover engage itself in preparation of an invoice based on a material management process through an ERP module. This will ensure up gradation of the existing facilities of the company with a minimum amount of labor required for controlling accounting system. The computerized accounting system of the Bakery should b e able to connect with various types of the department of the accounting system. This will ensure than the company is able to connect with the different types of the departments such as Marketing, production, material management and the procurement of the raw materials. This integration need to be further have an impact on the finance module of the ERP system. The overall objective e of then accounting system should ensure th at all the different types of entries are able to auto update and make an impact in then plant level (Spatayeva Ismailova, and Nurgalieva 2015). The accounting system of the bakery should be implemented across all the manufacturing hubs of the Bakery and ensure minimizing the work force cost in the accounting division. The lowering of the accounting cost in then account division will ensure that the bakery is able to focus in other type of the competitive areas of the business and then ensure that it is able to set a competitive price other products (Domnech-Asensi et al. 2016). Selection of the software The selection of the software has been segregated in three divisions ranging from low end, medium end and high priced ERP system. For making, the selection three different ERP sites have been visited which along with the cost for the implementation for deciding which ERP is considered under the aforementioned categories. The selection is also done based on the most relevant accounting entries performed at B Bakery. The three accounting softwares shortlisted for the purpose of making the decision of selection of the most appropriate accounting software are Xero accounting software, MYOB accounting software and SAP (Myob.com. 2016). By visiting the websites of the aforementioned accounting softwares it can be stated that a SAP is considered as a high-end accounting software, MYOB as a midrange accounting software and Xero as the low-end accounting software (Efe 2016). As the company operates with only 70 employees, the bakery should look forward in integration of accounting system with a midrange to low range computer software. Although the company has shown a lot of potential for improvement in the recent times the high-end accounting, softwares can prove to be an expensive decision especially with the small scale of operations given as per the case study. The company should also look forward to include all the latest features provided in the accounting software with the recent developments. B bakery should ensure that the selected accounting software has the port for mobile applications, invoicing and creating custom purchase orders. The custom purchase orders will ensure that the bakery is able to make changes in the ordering quantities or other ordering attributes, which will have an impact on the accounting at a later stage. B bakery should also ensure that the selected accounting software is able to integrate itself easily with customer rela tionship management. The implementation of customer relationship management with the ERP system will ensure that the company is able to increase its overall profitability by improving customer interactions with the present and potential customers. The CRM feature will ensure that the company is able to synchronize its sales and marketing data with the customer service (Kilic, Zaim and Delen 2014). The overall process of the ERP implementation has been shown below with the diagram as follows : Figure 2: ERP cycle with relevance to software selection (Source: Huang and Yasuda 2014) Vendor selection Comparison of the features of Xero and SAP Xero and SAP are the two accounting softwares compared for knowing about the different functionalities and selecting the best software for Bbakery. The criteria selected for the comparison of the two accounting softwares are relevant to the given case. The rational for selecting Xero accounting software and SAP has been shown for the purpose of comparison of red midrange/low range accounting software (Xero) with high-end accounting software. The various types of functionalities include price paid for minimum package, support from her the latest android device, iPhones and iPads. The criteria also include support for human resource management. As discussed previously customer relationship management is an important criteria for software selection, hence this parameter has also been taken into account. As B bakery the manufacturing unit warehouse management is not required however this criteria has also been selected in case of additional storage capacity in the plant of the bakery. The selection criteria has been also done on the basis of availability of e-commerce integration and cloud deployment of the various entries and accounting information sharing for the purpose of real-time sourcing of data. The criteria selection has also included industry-specific architecture of the enterprise resource which will ensure the flexibility of changing the main stresses of the business as per the requirement. The final selection criteria for companies and has been done on the basis of processing of the data which includes generation of invoice, creation of purchase order, order processing and tracking of final delivery of the goods. However, the main parameter for comparison and has been done based on minimum monthly charges of both the accounting package (Ansorena et al. 2013). The company is in table of Xero accounting software and SAP are shown below as follows: Parameters for comparison Xero accounting software SAP Price of minimum package per month $9 $448.28 Mobile support Yes Yes Human resources No Yes Customer relationship management Yes Yes Finance Yes Yes Business intelligence No Yes Warehouse management No Yes E-commerce No Yes Cloud deployment Yes Yes Industry-specific Yes Yes Procurement Yes Yes Processing Yes Yes The comparison of the accounting software clearly shows Xero is having a minimum monthly package charge of only $ 9 per user whereas SAP charges $ 448.28 for the initial integration of the software. This is a significant difference and the bakery should be wise in making the investment decision. Furthermore, the bakery should ensure it is able to keep its cost on accounting software as low as possible so that it is able to get an edge over the competitors in setting a lower price for the general bakery products. It can be further seen Xero accounting software offers all the same features, which is required for B bakery. Xero has immense support for the latest android devices and the most important criteria of customer relationship management, which will ensure management of the advertisement cost and continuous improvement in the profit through an augmented focus on customer service. The zero accounting software is also found to be very efficient in integrating the different types of purchase order entries with the accounting and real-time application of the stock value in the finance section support. The budget friendly accounting software is further observed to have support for cloud deployment, which will ensure even if there is a failure in the internal server, the data can be securely retrieved from the Internet via cloud storage facilities. The Xero accounting software is also observed was from all the processing requirements needed for the business (Rling et al.2015). On a closer analysis it has to be considered that Xero accounting software does not up for warehouse management facilities which may be required for the excess storage of the partly perishable bakery items. A small amount of warehouse management would have ensured a more economical way of accounting the data. SAP also features human resource management and support for e-commerce, which could have provided an edge for the competitors (SAP 2016). Rationale for selection of the most suitable vendor for the bakery business The software selected for the purpose of an efficient vendor management is Xero accounting software. As per the requirement analysis of B bakery the best fit of accounting software has been identified as the Xero accounting software. This is because B bakery operates with only 70 employees and for such a small bakery unit Xero accounting software will be sufficient to fulfill all the accounting requirements. The accounting software is not only cheap in installation (with only $ 9 monthly expenditure for the starter services) but it has ever features, which are relevant for application in B bakery (Xero Accounting Software. 2016). Some of the key features included in the software applicable for B bakery include: Procedure for easy invoicing Support in all the android phones, iPhone and iPad Ensuring simple inventory management system for an improved stock control Tracking of inventory and real-time updating of the same Support for third-party apps for payments such as PayPal, check keeper, square. Support for third party CRM applications such as insightly for Xero, accelo and capsule CRM The software also provides multicurrency options and update itself with the changing currency rates. The software is also able to create custom purchase orders and copy of bills of payment. The rational for selecting Xero will ensure that the bakery is able to tackle all the present accounting problems and also reduce the cost of human resource for accounting personnel. The cheaper implementation cost of this accounting software will not only ensure that the company is able to get a competitive edge over the competitors but it also improved the profitability of the overall business of the bakery. Furthermore, the implementation of the software will ensure that the company is able to keep itself up to date with all the latest accounting features such as cloud support and online inventory tracking. This will ensure a real-time stock update while preparing the trial balance of the company. The maintenance of this accounting software will also ensure the integration of different types of third-party applications for an easy payment option to the suppliers of the raw materials and bakery ingredients. Just to be also noted that the support for the aforementioned third-party s oftware are very affordable and most suitable for a bakery like this. The selected accounting software will ensure the integration of or functional areas of the business among each other and result in a more robust operation of the company. The integration of the core functional areas will ensure that it is able to make the changes effective in several departments. For example if a entry has been made in creation of purchase order, this will have a direct impact on the accounting journals history. This will enable the provision for more number of orders in the stock of the company (Xero. 2016). Conclusion The overall analysis of the report provides a brief description about the jobs and responsibilities of a baker and the different types of business processes and activities, which is performed by it. The systematic process of the bakery industry is most relevant to the present standards of the bakery business. The outcome analysis has been shown by knowing about the present issues faced by the company in manual accounting of the entries. The prime part of the report suggests the use of Xero accounting software as it is most applicable for the needs of bakery as mentioned in the case study. The rational for this has been provided with a clear comparison with SAP and MYOB accounting software package. The main reason has been also shown for the fact that B bakery is a small/midsized bakery unit, which should consider investing in a midrange accounting software for troubleshooting the present issues and be more competitive with the bakery products in the market. Reference List Ansorena, D., Echarte, A., Oll, R. and Astiasarn, I., 2013. 2012: No trans fatty acids in Spanish bakery products. Food chemistry, 138(1), pp.422-429. Cauvain, S., 2015. Proving, baking and cooling. In Technology of Breadmaking (pp. 147-181). Springer International Publishing. Dobija, M., 2015. Accounting and the GDP measurement system. Domnech-Asensi, G., Merola, N., Lpez-Fernndez, A., Ros-Berruezo, G. and Frontela-Saseta, C., 2016. 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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Two Hands Film Report Australia Essay Example

Two Hands Film Report Australia Essay TWO HANDS Released in mid 1999, Two Hands was a box office success in Australia. Financed by the Australian Film Finance Corporation with assistance from Film Victoria and the New South Wales Film and Television Office. The film was made on a total budget of $4. 4 million. Two Hands went on to make $5,478,485 at the box office, it was the first Australian film to open in top position at the Australian box office within the last six years prior to its release. With a total budget of $4. 4 million, it was an exceptionally modest amount considering the average Australian feature film budget at the time was around $3 million. It was filmed in and around Sydney for eight weeks and the locations used add more substance to the film by using many dark broody locations in and around suburban Sydney. Two Hands was produced by Marian MaCgowan and was written and directed by Gregor Jordan. It won around 12 Awards which include 5 AFI Awards and 2 FCCA Awards. Producer Marian MaCgowan brought in an exceptional group of film makers, some of them were the most talented professionals that the Australian industry had to offer at the time. The film stars Heath Ledger as the lead character, a now well known Australia actor but not so fourteen years ago. His debut release of 10 Things I Hate About You a month earlier was a very lucky breakthrough and gave Two Hands a kick start at the Box Office. Even tho the DVD was released in Australia on VHS/DVD in 2000/2001 by REP distribution and Beyond Films, it didn’t get distributed in America till December 2005 by Miramax Home Entertainment, Buena Vista, and Beyond Films International. We will write a custom essay sample on Two Hands Film Report Australia specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Two Hands Film Report Australia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Two Hands Film Report Australia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Google N-gram Viewer

Google N-gram Viewer Google N-gram Viewer Google N-gram Viewer By Maeve Maddox I’ve just discovered an online time suck that is not only addictive to the language lover, but a source of writerly ideas. It’s the Google N-gram Viewer. N-grams are drawn from a text or speech corpus that shows how the frequency of a word or phrase changes over time. The corpus for the Google N-gram Viewer is a database of more than five million digitized books published between 1500 and 2008. The GNV holds an intrinsic interest for me because I write about language, but it is also of value to me as a writer of historical fiction. It’s a means of catching anachronistic vocabulary in a story set in the past. Another use of the GNV databasealso of value to writers- is to get a notion of changes in cultural values as reflected in published materials. In her article about the negative consequence of the modern worship of individualism, Emily Esfahani Smith uses the GNV to plot the decline of words and phrases associated with community, religious attitudes and responsibility to others. She observes that in the 1920s, words like give and benevolence began to decline, while words like get and acquisition began to climb. I did a search of my own on some words and phrases. The dreary vulgarities that appear so much on Facebook began to soar from the 1960s to the present. The phrase â€Å"do your duty† began a precipitous plunge in 1920. Think, The Great Gatsby. The Smith article refers to the theories of sociologist Emile Durkheim. He found a link between the cult of individualism and the social alienation that leads to unhappiness and suicide. According to Durkheim, cutting oneself off from traditional restraints and norms of behavior in quest of individual freedom results in depression and social decay. Ironically, the quest for self-empowerment leads to a sense of powerlessness. Are these ideas reflected in the GNV? They seem to be. The word empowerment flies straight up on the chart from 1980 to the present. The word powerlessness shows a pretty straight climb from 1960. The phrase, â€Å"I do not like anyone† climbs steeply from 1980. The phrase â€Å"not worth living† gathers speed in 1960. In addition to words and phrases, you can enter proper names and book titles, but entries containing more than five words will not work. Contractions won’t work either. Note: The word engram is a term used in neuropsychology. Engram: a memory-trace; a permanent and heritable physical change in the nerve tissue of the brain, posited to account for the existence of memory. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should Know50 Types of PropagandaMankind vs. Humankind

Friday, November 22, 2019

Historical SAT Percentiles New SAT 2016, 2017, and 2018

Historical SAT Percentiles New SAT 2016, 2017, and 2018 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you took the new SAT in 2016, 2017, or 2018, you might be wondering what percentile your score is in. Is a 700 on Math in 2016 the same as a 700 in Math in 2018? How much do percentile scores change from year to year? In this article, I'll explain what new SAT percentile scores are and how they've changed over time. I'll also provide percentiles for SAT combined and section scores for 2016, 2017, and 2018. What Are SAT Percentile Scores? Your SAT percentile score tells you how well you did compared to other students who took the SAT. If you scored in the 97th percentile, then you scored higher than 97% of the people who took the test. If you scored in the 50th percentile, you did better than 50% of the people who took the test. Every year, the College Board determines that year's SAT percentile scores based on how college-bound high school seniors that year scored on the SAT. The higher the percentile your SAT score is in, the better you scored compared to other high school seniors. Special Note: Nationally Representative Sample Percentiles vs. SAT User Percentiles On your score report, you'll see information about two different kinds of percentiles: Nationally Representative Sample Percentiles and SAT User Percentiles. For this article, when we talk about percentiles we'll be exclusively referring to SAT User Percentiles, which are based on only actual SAT scores of students in the classes of 2016-2018 who took the new SAT. Read this article to find out more about the differences between the two percentile types on your SAT score report. Do Percentile Scores Change? In the past, SAT scores stayed pretty much at the same percentile, year over year. For instance, on the old SAT, a score of 1880 was in the 87th percentile for 20, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015. That SAT percentile scores haven't changed much over time is intentional- the whole idea behind the SAT scoring system is that colleges can know that a student who got a 1880 SAT score in 2010 performed about the same as a student who got a 1880 SAT score in 2006 or 2015. If an 1880 was in the 80th percentile in 2010 and the 95th percentile in 2015, the scores would be meaningless for comparison purposes on their own. Because the SAT in its current format has only been administered for a few years, however, new SAT scores aren't quite as tied to specific percentiles. As an example, a 1280 new SAT score was in the 83rd percentile in 2016, 86th percentile in 2017, and 84th percentile in 2018. The biggest differences changes in percentiles on the new SAT happened for students who scored between 860 and 1200, with the same score differing by as many as six percentile points between 2016 and 2018 (for instance, a 950 was in the 25th percentile in 2016 and 31st percentile in 2018). As the new SAT is administered to more students over more years, these differences will no doubt shrink, making it easier to compare the same scores. For now, though, if you're scoring in the 860-1200 range, you can expect the percentile of your score to shift by up to six percentile points compared to past years. How Should You Use This Info and Why Does It Matter? Because the same SAT scores have had such varying percentiles in the last couple of years, your percentile score is the easiest way to figure out how well you did on the SAT. If you scored higher than 50 percent of test-takers, then you're above average; if you scored higher than 75 percent of test-takers, then you did very well indeed. When you apply to college, however, you're not being compared to all students who took the SAT, but to all students who took the SAT and are applying to that school. To help students figure out how they stack up against past successful applicants, colleges usually publicly post 25th and 75th percentile scores of admitted students. If you want to be a competitive candidate for a school, your target SAT score should be around or above a school's 75th percentile score. On a section level, percentiles can help you put your scores in context. It might seem like you're doing about equally well on Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math if you get a 690 on ERW and a 640 on Math. However, a 690 ERW score is in the 93rd percentile, while a 640 Math score is in the 83rd percentile. Raising each section score by 100 points would raise your Math percentile ranking by 13 points and your ERW percentile ranking by only 6+ points. If you're thinking about retaking the SAT and trying to figure out where you should focus your studying efforts, your percentile scores can help identify how you can improve the most. Finally, percentile scores also tell us that a small increase in your composite score can have a large impact on your percentile score, particularly if you're scoring around or even a little below the middle of the pack. For instance, in 2018 an SAT score of 1050 was at the 49th percentile, but a score of 1210 was at the 76th. Increasing your score by just 160 points can take your score from below average to the top quarter of all SAT scores. Composite Score Percentiles, 2018, 2017, and 2016 SAT Composite Score 2018 Percentile 2017 Percentile 2016 Percentile 1600 99+ 99+ 99+ 1590 99+ 99+ 99+ 1580 99+ 99+ 99+ 1570 99+ 99+ 99+ 1560 99+ 99+ 99+ 1550 99+ 99+ 99+ 1540 99 99+ 99 1530 99 99+ 99 1520 99 99 99 1510 99 99 99 1500 99 99 98 1490 98 99 98 1480 98 99 98 1470 98 98 98 1460 97 98 97 1450 97 98 97 1440 96 97 96 1430 96 97 96 1420 95 96 95 1410 95 96 95 1400 94 95 94 1390 94 95 94 1380 93 94 93 1370 92 94 92 1360 92 93 91 1350 91 92 91 1340 90 91 90 1330 89 90 89 1320 88 90 88 1310 88 89 87 1300 87 88 86 1290 86 87 85 1280 84 86 83 1270 83 85 82 1260 82 83 81 1250 81 82 80 1240 80 81 78 1230 79 80 77 1220 77 78 76 1210 76 77 74 1200 74 76 72 90 73 74 71 80 72 73 69 70 70 71 67 60 68 69 65 50 67 68 64 40 65 66 62 30 63 64 60 20 62 63 58 10 60 61 57 00 58 59 55 1090 56 57 52 1080 54 55 50 1070 52 53 48 1060 51 51 46 1050 49 49 44 1040 47 47 42 1030 45 45 40 1020 43 43 38 1010 41 41 36 1000 39 40 34 990 37 38 32 980 36 36 30 970 34 34 29 960 32 32 27 950 31 31 25 940 29 29 24 930 27 27 22 920 26 26 20 910 24 24 19 900 23 22 18 890 21 21 16 880 20 19 15 870 18 18 14 860 17 17 13 850 15 15 12 840 14 14 830 13 13 10 820 12 12 9 810 8 800 10 9 7 790 9 8 7 780 8 8 6 770 7 7 5 760 6 6 4 750 5 5 4 740 4 4 3 730 4 4 3 720 3 3 2 710 3 3 2 700 2 2 2 690 2 2 2 680 1 1 1 670 1 1 1 660 1 1 1 650 1 1 1 640 1 1 1- 630 1- 1- 1- 620 1- 1- 1- 610 1- 1- 1- 600 1- 1- 1- 590 1- 1- 1- 580 1- 1- 1- 570 1- 1- 1- 560 1- 1- 1- 550 1- 1- 1- 540 1- 1- 1- 530 1- 1- 1- 520 1- 1- 1- 510 1- 1- 1- 500 1- 1- 1- 490 1- 1- 1- 480 1- 1- 1- 470 1- 1- 1- 460 1- 1- 1- 450 1- 1- 1- 440 1- 1- 1- 430 1- 1- 1- 420 1- 1- 1- 410 1- 1- 1- 400 1- 1- 1- Sources: SAT Understanding Scores 2016, SAT Understanding Scores 2017, SAT Understanding Scores 2018 Section Score Percentiles Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Score 2018 Percentile 2017 Percentile 2016 Percentile 800 99+ 99+ 99+ 790 99+ 99+ 99+ 780 99+ 99+ 99+ 770 99+ 99+ 99 760 99 99 99 750 99 99 99 740 98 98 98 730 97 98 97 720 97 97 96 710 96 96 95 700 94 95 94 690 93 94 92 680 92 92 91 670 90 91 89 660 88 89 86 650 86 87 84 640 84 85 81 630 81 82 78 620 78 79 75 610 75 77 72 600 72 73 69 590 69 70 66 580 66 67 63 570 63 64 60 560 59 60 56 550 56 57 52 540 52 53 49 530 49 49 45 520 45 46 42 510 42 42 38 500 38 39 35 490 35 35 31 480 31 32 28 470 28 28 25 460 25 25 22 450 22 22 20 440 19 19 17 430 16 16 15 420 14 14 13 410 12 400 9 10 9 390 8 8 7 380 6 6 6 370 4 5 5 360 3 4 3 350 2 3 3 340 2 2 2 330 1 1 1 320 1 1 1 310 1 1 1 300 1- 1 1- 290 1- 1- 1- 280 1- 1- 1- 270 1- 1- 1- 260 1- 1- 1- 250 1- 1- 1- 240 1- 1- 1- 230 1- 1- 1- 220 1- 1- 1- 210 1- 1- 1- 200 1- 1- 1- Sources: SAT Understanding Scores 2016, SAT Understanding Scores 2017, SAT Understanding Scores 2018 Math Score 2018 Percentile 2017 Percentile 2016 Percentile 800 99+ 99+ 99+ 790 99 99 99 780 98 99 98 770 98 99 98 760 97 98 98 750 96 97 97 740 96 97 96 730 95 96 95 720 94 95 95 710 93 94 94 700 92 94 92 690 91 92 91 680 89 91 89 670 88 89 88 660 86 88 87 650 85 86 86 640 83 84 83 630 81 82 81 620 79 81 79 610 77 78 76 600 75 76 73 590 72 73 70 580 69 70 67 570 66 67 64 560 64 65 60 550 61 61 57 540 57 58 53 530 53 54 49 520 49 49 45 510 44 45 40 500 40 40 34 490 37 37 30 480 34 34 27 470 31 32 24 460 28 29 21 450 25 25 18 440 22 22 16 430 20 20 14 420 17 17 12 410 15 14 10 400 13 12 8 390 10 7 380 9 8 5 370 7 7 4 360 6 5 3 350 4 4 3 340 3 3 2 330 2 2 1 320 1 1 1 310 1 1 1 300 1 1 1 290 1 1- 1- 280 1- 1- 1- 270 1- 1- 1- 260 1- 1- 1- 250 1- 1- 1- 240 1- 1- 1- 230 1- 1- 1- 220 1- 1- 1- 210 1- 1- 1- 200 1- 1- 1- Sources: SAT Understanding Scores 2016, SAT Understanding Scores 2017, SAT Understanding Scores 2018 What's Next? How do you compare to other students in your state? Find out with our regularly updated list of average SAT scores by state. Where does your SAT essay score fit into all this? Learn more about SAT essay scoring and what the average SAT essay score is here. Would you be able to score in a higher percentile on the ACT? We help you figure out if the ACT or SAT is a better test for you with this foolproof method. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Sustainability Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Business Sustainability - Research Paper Example To determine the extent in which the SME owners in Auburn city should support the use of modern digital infrastructure, a research interview was conducted to a total of ten (10) SME business owners in Auburn city. In line with this, the research findings show that the research interviewees are not aware of how the NBN can intervene and help them improve the quality and accessibility of their corporate websites. Despite the limitation in the research interviewees’ knowledge with regards to the use of the fixed wireless network, the next-generation satellite, and the optic fiber network, most of the research interviewees show the positive sign when it comes to supporting the use of modern digital infrastructure.   The Broadband, Communication and Digital Economy (DBCDE) is one of the Federal Government departments in Australia that has been appointed to be responsible throughout the development of its digital economy (CB Online, 2013). To increase the chances wherein the gener al public will continuously have a good experience when using digital technology, DBCDE continuously develop and enhance not only the existing digital infrastructure in Australia but also promote the facilitation of its future innovation and set up necessary regulatory framework particularly with regards to the service and use of information and communication technology (Australian Government - Department of Communications, 2013; CB Online, 2013). On the other hand, the National Broadband Network (NBN) is â€Å"the next-generation broadband network designed for Australia’s future needs† (Australian Government - Department of Broadband, Communications and Digital Economy, 2013). It means that through the business intervention of the NBN, it is possible for Australia to come up with a more reliable and faster broadband access to the local residents and the businesses.As of May 2013, NBN was able to construct an optic fiber network in Armidale, Aspley, Bacchus Marsh, Brun swick, Blacktown, Coffs Harbour, Crace, Deloraine, George Town, Gosford, Hobart, Kiama, Kingston Beach, Launceston, Midway Point, Scottsdale, Smithton, Sorell, South Morang, St Helens, Toowoomba, Townsville, Triabunna, and Willunga whereas the fixed wireless network is made available in Armidale, Ballarat, Darwin, Geraldton, Tamworth, and Toowoomba (Australian Government – Department of Broadband, Communications and Digital Economy, 2013). Unfortunately, these two (2) major digital technology infrastructures are not much readily available in Auburn city.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mercedes Benz Customers Services Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Mercedes Benz Customers Services - Case Study Example Mercedes Benz is a brand name for automobiles, trucks, buses, Lorries. At times, it is only referred as Mercedes or even Benz. Currently, the organization is known for making the most prestigious vehicles in the world. It serves customers from all over the world through their sales agents. The company was originally started for Daimler-Benz AG but it is currently owned by DaimlerChrysler AG. The history of the company dates back from 1926 when two companies Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft and Benz & Cie merged and came up with Daimler-Benz Company. The company vehicles are available in over 130 countries in the world through their select dealers.  The company deals with both individual and corporate clients from any part of the world who might be interested in purchasing a prestigious vehicle from their company. All their vehicles bear a brand name Mercedes Benz and it is currently the world’s leading automotive manufacturers. The company offer for sales their products to indiv idual clients who are interested in their vehicles either through the company itself or through their agents. Some clients have got the specification for the kind of vehicles they want, and for this case, their deliver their quotation to the firm’s manufacturing unit. Others just purchase their vehicles from the sales agents that are scattered at every part of the world. They also offer for sale their vehicles spare parts and for this case, the customers do not have to worry in case the car breaks down.   ... They also offer for sale their vehicles spare parts and for this case, the customers do not have to worry in case the car breaks down. The individual clients of the Mercedes Benz Company have different need and expectations for their vehicles depending on their tastes and preferences. The company has a number of Mercedes Benz models for their customers to choose from according to their different tastes and preferences. In case they still have not gotten a vehicle that fit the specification their need, they can contact the company for special order. For this case, they have an option of ordering their vehicles directly from the company's factory. Although this kind of order can take some time before the vehicle is delivered to the client, at least the customer finally get the kind of a vehicle he wanted according to his taste and preferences. Corporate Clients The company on the other hand deals with corporate clients who may need a number of vehicles for their organisation. For this case, they make a special arrangement with the company on the number of vehicles they need, their specifications and the delivery time for the vehicles. In such as case, these kinds of clients are given special discounts for ordering such a large number of fleet of vehicles. Some of the corporate clients that the company deals with are: governments from a number of countries; non-government organisation and private companies. In such a case, there is a special arrangement for corporate clients. When it comes to the corporate clients, they have some specification they may need for their vehicles and for this case, they may order directly from the factory plant in case they fail to get one from the models produced by the company. In such a case, these clients have to wait for

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How slaves were affected Essay Example for Free

How slaves were affected Essay When the African Americans were introduced to slavery, they didnt accept what was happening to them and how they were being treated, but as time passed working for their masters, not only physical, but mental abuse took its toll and soon they began to believe the way they were living was normal and alright. Punishment played a giant role in slave life. It showed the consequences of not doing what was asked or disobeying their master thus instilling fear in every single slave the owner possessed. Charity Anderson recalls, But honey chile, all white folks warn t good to dere slaves, cause Ise seen poe niggas almos toe up by dogs, and whipped unmercifully, when dey didnt do lack de white folks say. Mary Reynolds remembers, I seed them put the men and women in the stock with they hands screwed down through holes in the board and they feets tied together and they naked behinds to the world. Solomon the [sic] overseer beat them with a big whip and massa look on. The niggers better not stop in the fields when they hear them yellin. They cut the flesh most to the bones and some they was when they taken them out of stock and put them on the beds, they never got up again. These two accounts show just what these poor slaves had to deal with. They were constantly watched, and felt that if they just as much as gave a superior a wrong look, they would be beaten, or even worse, killed. Of course slaves saw this as inhuman but had no choice to obey as their masters said. There is much evidence that shows how quick they learned to do as they were told and after a period of time, many slaves accepted the idea of being just thata slave. This transformation started with the servants becoming fearful. Surviving was a game of smarts, hard work, and willpower. In order to live, slaves would allow their masters to beat and punish them without questioning so as not to risk a painful and senseless death. Snitching on other slaves who planned to escape was a good way to show their masters how loyal they were. Many slaves went as far as calling their masters nice and sometimes even boasting about their masters to other servants on different plantations. These small acts helped many stay alive but living oppressed lives affecting their minds and emotions forced themselves to cope with their sadness. Singing was common among slaves to express themselves and their hardships. Frederick Douglass recollects, They told a tale of woe which was then altogether beyond my feeble comprehension; they were tones loud, long, and deep; they breathed the prayer and complaint of souls boiling over with the bitterest anguish. The servants shared their feelings with each other through these hymns and so it made them strong enough to have the willpower to keep living by obeying and doing as they were told. Dogs lived a better life than many slaves, We had very bad eatin. Bread, meat, water. And they fed it to us in a trough, jes like the hogs. And ah went in may [sic] shirt till I was 16, nevah had no clothes. And the flo in ouah cabin was dirt, and at night wed jes take a blanket and lay down on the flo. The dog was supeior to us; they would take him in the house. -Richard Toler. The serfs accepted that they lived worse than dogs and at this point, it becomes evident that slaves began accepting th e life of slavery. They knew escaping was a bad idea because they would have no shelter, food, or clothes. If they were caught, they would be in the worst kind of trouble so they were forced to keep living the oppressed life. Being beaten and abused had them physically and mentally feeling that they were a lower race. Being intimidated all of the time had a harmful affect and they started to see slavery as acceptable. Their owners didnt allow them to read or write so living with a roof over their head made them feel privileged. Mr. William McNeill says, The escaped slaves were always trailed down by hounds; they never got away, there were always some good slaves to tell on others. I was glad when the slaves gained their freedom, even though we had a large number and lost plenty of money. They made many people rich and got nothing but punishment as a reward. They tell that some of the masters were good but I never did see a good one. This man is one that didnt buy into slavery and kept his mind from being brainwashed like many other slaves. He knew deep down that slavery was wrong and kept the truth in his reality. Even after the slaves were freed, life for them wasnt as great as they hoped it would be and they soon realized that being freed was near as bad as being slaves. Being freed toyed with their minds; just like they became slaves and felt out of place in the beginning, they were put into another  tough position to have to readjust once again. An after, soon after when we found out that we was free, why then we was, uh, bound out to different people. Anall such people as that. An we would run away, an wouldn stay with them. Why then wed jus go an stay anywhere we could. Lay out a night in underwear. We had no home, you know. We was jus turned out like a lot of cattle. You know how they turn cattle out in a pasture? Well after freedom, you know, colored people didn have nothing. Colored people didnhave no beds when they was slaves. We always slep on the floor, pallet here, and a pallet there. Jus like, uh, lot of, uh, wild people, we didn, we didn know nothing. Didn allow you to look at no book. An there was some free-born colored people, why they had a little education, but there was very few of them, where we was. An they all had uh, what you call, I might call it now, uh, jail centers, was jus the same as we was in jail. -Fountain Hughes. This man described how, after being freed, he and his family lived the life that nomads lived. They traveled around aimlessly, trying to find any place they could possibly stay. He described themselves like cattle which was an understatement because cattle could at least count on being fed. They could eat the grass of the land but the newly freed slaves would be lucky if they could find a piece of fruit. The freed slaves had no money, no beds like Fountain said, no education, basically they had nothing to call their own. Living free was as if they were living in jail Hughes thought, and many others agreed. An my father was dead, an my mother was living, but she had three, four other little children, an she had to put them all to work for to help take care of the others. So we had what you call, worse than dogs has got it now. Dogs has got it now better than we had it when we come along. -Richard Toler. Families were torn apart when all members had to work in order for the family to be able to buy the essential necessities they needed to live. Toler said dogs have better lives now than the lives of black families after being freed which shows just how much of a mess the south was in. Many white people did not accept this idea of freeing the slaves so this had many colored people feeling insecure and out of place. Some white people would go out of their way to try and hurt the colored people like the KKK did.  Frederick Douglass talks about the idea of trust in Getting Help from Others He said he met an Irishman who felt it was a pity for Douglass to be a slave. He then told Douglass to run away to the north where he would find friends there to help him. I pretended not to be interested in what they said and treated them as if I did not understand them; for I feared they might be treacherous. White men have been known to encourage slaves to escape, and then, to get the reward, catch them and return them to their masters. Douglass had this distrust when he was a slave but these feelings were carried on even after people like Douglass were freed. They felt they could not trust anyone but their own people. This idea is seen in the Tar Baby story as well. The main purpose of this tale was to show black people that they shouldnt go out of their way to talk to others. It was better to keep their mouths shut and thoughts to themselves because opening up to white folks could only get them into trouble. Since the colored people did not fit in, they kept to themselves which didnt seem like true freedom. Douglass also said in Thoughts of Escape that he and the slaves rather bear those ills we had, than fly to others, that we knew not of. Once he and every other slave was freed, this is essentially what happened. They had to move and re-adapt to new ills and complications which challenged them as slavery had challenged them once before. The whole time being slaves, black people finally started believing that slavery was what they were meant to do and it was alright for them to be treated at a lower level. Setting them free in an unaccepting world with no help or direction forced them once again, to cope with new problems and start a new theory about what it was they were really supposed to be doing or could be doing if it wasnt working and slaving for the white man.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Cutting the OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) :: essays research papers

CUTTING THE OSINT The main problem with cutting back or eliminating any intelligence gathering discipline is the possible problem of the loss of information that can be utilized to derive intelligence. All information that can be collected should be gathered, processed, and disseminated to the all-source fusion agency in order to completely draw the best picture of an investigated situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the latter half of the twentieth century a burst of electronic technology occurred and developed an astounding amount of information via the Internet that is growing with more information by the minute. Most of the information that is publicly available is gathered by a resource known as open-source intelligence (OSINT). Due to budget cutting and having to eliminate one â€Å"INT†, the OSINT must be considered for the following reasons. One of the main problems with OSINT is that there is so much information; it is sometimes difficult to figure out what to collect and what not to collect. An analyst trying to scan through the tons of data in order to find quality information for a request can spend hours trapped in research. Albeit, the Internet is not the only tool available to an OSINT analyst, the majority of other information can be found somewhere on the world-wide-web via electronic city maps, business web sites, etc. This leads to the next point of availability to everyone. The analysts from the other disciplines; HUMINT, SIGINT, IMINT, and MASINT, most certainly have the Internet available. Many times there is not a need to put in a request for an OSINT analyst to research out information that is readily available to an analyst. The time that it takes an analyst from the HUMINT, SIGINT, IMINT, MASINT, or an all-source fusion agency to put in a request to an OSINT analyst and place a product on pause is not practical. Time could be better spent conducting the research within the INT or all-source fusion entity and thus bringing a more favorable result in the information found. Many times information disseminated from other INTs to an all-source fusion agency can be the wrong information, or the consumer could also be asking the wrong request for information from the OSINT analyst. If each analyst conducts the research, there is no doubt as to whether the question is answered correctly or not. This can eliminate the process of having to conduct double work on the same request and save more time and money overall.

Monday, November 11, 2019

High School and Dance Essay

Ever since I was little all I can remember is how I always wanted to be a dancer. And when I was in second grade my dream came true and my mom put me in Just For Kix. And my love for the sport has grown stronger ever since. I have always loved the quote â€Å"dance like no one is watching† because when you dance you do not see the audience or the judges all you see is your teammates and all you hear is the music. Dance is something I love and always will, it is something that has and will be part of my life. Dance is my passion. When I went to my first day of dance practice I knew I had found the sport I was meant to be in. My coach made practice enjoyable and I always looked forward to going. In second grade I remember learning all the fundamentals of dance and how I would practice for hours on end at home. Dance is about flowing from one movement to the next. In the beginning of dance you just learn how important it is to have a pointed to because flexed feet are very ugly, you also learn that you have to be very sharp with you movements so people can tell what you are doing. Some other fundamentals we worked on where posture you have a straight back it just looks better and we learned on moves like turns and kicks. I learned how to just lose myself in the music and just let my body take over. In dance you do not have to think as much as you have to just go with the flow of the music. The more you let yourself just go with the music the better you will look out on the dance floor and the more you will dance as a team instead of individually. JFK just taught me that dance is a place you can be yourself and not worry about school or any other drama. And I made friends that became some of my closest friends throughout elementary school and high school. Then after JFK came middle school dance team. I remember that the first day of practice scared me. We were doing things I never had even heard of before and the coaches were amazing dancers themselves and the really intimidated me. But the one thing I could rely on was that I loved dance and I knew that I was learning something new every day that would just make me a better dancer in the end. We would practice two hours a day, five days a week and I never realized how much they were preparing me for the varsity dance team. They taught us skills we would need to try out for the varsity squad. Things like Russians where you jump and do the splits in the air or an eclipso where you turn twice and then kick one leg out around you like a fan and then the other follows behind bent at the knee behind your body. But dance once again was my favorite part of everyday; all my best friends were there. And I remember how excited we were when we were all in the front row together. We made practice fun and hung out on the weekends to practice and to just have a good time. I remember the first time we performed a routine at a high school basketball game. At that time it was the best thing that I had ever experienced. But after middle school dance was over then came trying out for the Moorhead Highlights dance team. Try outs were a week long and were most defiantly the most nerve wracking experience of my dance career. I mean the captains of the team were teaching us a routine that was the most difficult routine I had ever danced in my life. Finally came Friday, the day we found out if we had made the team or not. But the positive is that all of us got to try out together. I messes up, but I can say that it was fun and I had a smile on my face the whole time. And in dance having a smile on your face the whole time is one of the most important things you can do because it makes it look like your enjoying what you’re doing. And the good thing was all five us made the team one of my friends was so excited she cried. I would have to say that making the team was one of the highlights to my high school career. The highlights became my second family after being with everyone for four years. The Moorhead highlights were my life during high school. I could go to school and have the worst day but when I went to practice I know I would have a good practice. Everyone says dance is not a sport but I can guarantee you would think dance was a sport after spending a day with us and seeing everything we have to go through in order to be ready for competition on the weekends. And besides just being athletic in dance you have to have a great since of beat so you do your moves on the correct counts and an excellent memory to learn all of our routines in a week. Dance is defiantly harder then what it looks like. I can say we all dreaded practice but at the same time we absolutely loved it. We would start practice of by running two miles, doing a stair work out or running jog sprints. Then we would stretch which was a great time for team bonding. Stretching is an important part of dance. Stretching helps you kick high and leap gracefully and properly and it is also important because it keeps you from getting injured like pulling a muscle. Then was everyone’s most dreaded part of practice. Center floor kicks an across the floor kicks. We would kick constantly for thirty minutes some days. It may not seem that hard bet let me tell you it is very difficult to continually kick as high as you can with a perfectly pointed toe and a straight back and sometimes having a coach yelling in your ear to do it better or faster. After all the hard stuff came the best part of practice. Practicing our competitive routines. I mean some days our coaches would threaten us and say that we looked so bad that they did not even want to put us out on the floor but that only made us work harder to prove them wrong. We would run them over and over until we were sick of them. But it was my favorite part because I knew it was getting us ready for competition on the weekends. And then after everything we go through together we become one big messed up but happy family that I couldn’t help but love. We laughed together and we cried together. The competition floor. We walk out of our room and into the shoot. We get in a circle put our left foot in the center and our coaches give us a speech that get us ready to dance our hearts out then it is our captain’s turn to give their speeches. Then we cheer, we cheer to get our adrenaline pumping and just get our blood pumping. Then you hear the crowd cheering for the team that was performing before you and we line up in our first formation and all of a sudden you just get a rush of butterflies. And then the announcer says on deck is the Moorhead Highlights. We walk out onto the floor straight backs and our arms clean at our sides. We get to the center of the floor line up and someone says 5, 6, 7, 8 and you know to prepare for the music to start. And then comes the time to show what you have been working so hard on. The music starts and all of a sudden you lose yourself in the music all you can see is your teammates and their smiles. You just have fun together and move as one to create an art form for the audience to see. You keep a huge smile on your face and it’s not a fake one because you are having the best time of your life. And when the hard parts of the routine come our coaches would stand up and scream for us to do it right and if we did our one coach would start crying and we know we did our job perfect. And when the music stops you cannot help but smile because you know you did what you had leave it all on the floor for everyone to say. I would have to say there is no feeling like the one of dancing on the competition floor. Dance is an art form and a sport all in one. You have to have passion to do what you have to do, you have to be dedicated to your team in order to dance like a school of fish. Dance was the high light of my younger years. It was always something to look forward to no matter what was going on in my life. My dance family was always there for me. I would relive those years just for dance.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Global Communication Worksheet Essay

Your supervisor wants to send a brief e-mail message, welcoming employees recently transferred to your department from different regions across the company, which are Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Create a clear and concise welcome message that would be appropriate for these groups of employees. Research the communication style of each of the following countries: Brazil Russia India China Transcribe the following welcome message for the employees from each country: I wanted to welcome you ASAP to our little family here in the States. It’s high time we shook hands in person and not just across the sea. I’m pleased as punch about getting to know you all, and I for one will do my level best to sell you on America. Complete the table below with your transcribed welcome messages. Also indicate whether each of the countries are more individualistic or relationship focused, and whether they are direct or indirect in their communication. Country Transcribe Welcome Message Relationship or Individualistic? Direct or Indirect?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Battle of Beaver Dams in the War of 1812

Battle of Beaver Dams in the War of 1812 The Battle of Beaver Dams was fought June 24, 1813, during the War of 1812 (1812-1815). In the aftermath of the failed campaigns of 1812, newly re-elected President James Madison was compelled to reassess the strategic situation along the Canadian border. As efforts in the Northwest were stalled pending an American fleet gaining control of Lake Erie, it was decided to center American operations for 1813 on achieving victory on Lake Ontario and the Niagara frontier. It was believed that victory in and around Lake Ontario would cut off Upper Canada and pave the way for an strike against Montreal. American Preparations In preparation for the main American push on Lake Ontario, Major General Henry Dearborn was directed to shift 3,000 men from Buffalo for assaults against Forts Erie and George as well as position 4,000 men at Sackets Harbor. This second force was to attack Kingston at the upper outlet of the lake. Success on both fronts would sever the lake from the Lake Erie and the St. Lawrence River. At Sackets Harbor, Captain Isaac Chauncey had rapidly built a fleet and had seized naval superiority from his British counterpart, Captain Sir James Yeo. Meeting at Sackets Harbor, Dearborn and Chauncey began to have concerns about the Kingston operation despite the fact that the town was only thirty miles away. While Chauncey worried about possible ice around Kingston, Dearborn was fretted about the size of the British garrison. Instead of striking at Kingston, the two commanders instead decided to conduct a raid against York, Ontario (present-day Toronto). Though of insignificant strategic value, York was the capital of Upper Canada and Chauncey had word that two brigs were under construction there. Attacking on April 27, American forces captured and burned the town. Following the York operation, Secretary of War John Armstrong chastised Dearborn for failing to accomplish anything of strategic value. Fort George In response, Dearborn and Chauncey began shifting troops south for an assault on Fort George in late May. Alerted to this, Yeo and the Governor General of Canada, Lieutenant General Sir George Prevost, immediately moved to attack Sackets Harbor while American forces were occupied along the Niagara. Departing Kingston, they landed outside of the town on May 29 and marched to destroy the shipyard and Fort Tompkins. These operations were quickly disrupted by a mixed regular and militia force led by Brigadier General Jacob Brown of the New York militia. Containing the British beachhead, his men poured intense fire into Prevosts troops and compelled them to withdraw. For his part in the defense, Brown was offered a brigadier generals commission in the regular army. To the southwest, Dearborn and Chauncey moved forward with their attack on Fort George. Delegating operational command to Colonel Winfield Scott, Dearborn observed as American forces conducted an early morning amphibious assault on May 27. This was aided by a force of dragoons crossing the Niagara River upstream at Queenston which was tasked with severing the British line of retreat to Fort Erie. Meeting Brigadier General John Vincents troops outside of the fort, the Americans succeeded in driving off the British with the aid of naval gunfire support from Chaunceys ships. Forced to surrender the fort and with the route south blocked, Vincent abandoned his posts on the Canadian side of the river and withdrew west. As a result, American forces crossed the river and took Fort Erie (Map). Dearborn Retreats Having lost the dynamic Scott to a broken collarbone, Dearborn ordered Brigadier Generals William Winder and John Chandler west to pursue Vincent. Political appointees, neither had meaningful military experience. On June 5, Vincent counterattacked at the Battle of Stoney Creek and succeeded in capturing both generals. On the lake, Chaunceys fleet had departed for Sackets Harbor only to be replaced by Yeos. Threatened from the lake, Dearborn lost his nerve and ordered a retreat to a perimeter around Fort George. Carefully following, the British moved east and occupied two outposts at Twelve Mile Creek and Beaver Dams. These positions allowed British and Native American forces to raid the area around Fort George and keep American troops contained. Armies Commanders: Americans Lieutenant Colonel Charles Boerstlerapproximately 600 men British Lieutenant James Fitzgibbon450 men Background In an effort to end these attacks, the American commander at Fort George, Brigadier General John Parker Boyd, ordered a force assembled to strike at Beaver Dams. Intended to be a secret attack, a column of around 600 men was assembled under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Charles G. Boerstler. A mixed force of infantry and dragoons, Boerstler also was assigned two cannon. At sunset on June 23, the Americans departed Fort George and moved south along the Niagara River to the village of Queenston. Occupying the town, Boerstler quartered his men with the inhabitants. Laura Secord A number of American officers stayed with James and Laura Secord. According to tradition, Laura Secord overheard their plans to attack Beaver Damns and slipped away from the town to warn the British garrison. Traveling through the woods, she was intercepted by Native Americans and taken to Lieutenant James Fitzgibbon who commanded the 50-man garrison at Beaver Dams. Alerted to American intentions, Native American scouts were deployed to identify their route and set up ambushes. Departing Queenston in late morning on June 24, Boerstler believed he retained the element of surprise. The Americans Beaten Advancing through wooded terrain, it soon became apparent that Native American warriors were moving on their flanks and rear. These were 300 Caughnawaga led by Captain Dominique Ducharme of the Indian Department and 100 Mohawks led by Captain William Johnson Kerr. Attacking the American column, the Native Americans initiated three-hour battle in the forest. Wounded early in the action, Boerstler was placed in a supply wagon. Fighting through the Native American lines, the Americans sought to reach open ground where their artillery could be brought into action. Arriving on the scene with his 50 regulars, Fitzgibbon approached the wounded Boerstler under a flag of truce. Telling the American commander that his men were surrounded, Fitzgibbon demanded his surrender stating that if they did not capitulate he could not guarantee that the Native Americans would not slaughter them. Wounded and seeing no other option, Boerstler surrendered with 484 of his men. Aftermath The fighting at the Battle of Beaver Dams cost the British approximately 25-50 killed and wounded, all from their Native American allies. American losses were around 100 killed and wounded, with the remainder being captured. The defeat badly demoralized the garrison at Fort George and American forces became reluctant to advance more than a mile from its walls. Despite the victory, the British were not strong enough to force the Americans from the fort and were forced to content themselves with interdicting its supplies. For his weak performance during the campaign, Dearborn was recalled on July 6 and replaced with Major General James Wilkinson.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Cengage Learning Essay Example for Free

Cengage Learning Essay After taking the survey regarding the climate of my organization, I gained interesting insight into my company’s position in the work/life area. The survey provided by the Work and Family Connection asked twenty questions, in which I enjoyed answering. 1. My manager/supervisor treats my work/life needs with sensitivity. Agree 2. It is usually easy for me to manage the demands of both work and home life. Agree 3. My career path at this company is limited because of the pressure of home life demands. Disagree 4. My job at this company keeps me from maintaining the quality of life I want. Disagree 5. My manager/supervisor is supportive when home life issues interfere with work. Disagree 6. My manager/supervisor focuses on results, rather than the time I am at my desk. Disagree 7. My manager/supervisor has a good understanding of flexible work hour practices. Agree 8. If I requested a flexible work arrangement, my manager/supervisor would support me. Agree 9. My manager/supervisor is often inflexible or insensitive about my personal needs. Disagree 10. I believe my manager treats me with respect. Agree 11. My manager allows me informal flexibility as long as I get the job done. My manager tends to treat us like children. Disagree 13. My manager seldom gives me praise or recognition for the work I do. Disagree 14. My manager seems to care about me as a person. Agree 15. I would recommend this company to others. Agree 16. The work I do is not all that important to this company’s success. Disagree 17. If I could find another job with better pay, I would leave this organization. Disagree 18. If I could find another job where I would be treated with respect, I would take it. Disagree 19. If I could find another job where I could have more flexibility, I would take it. Agree 20. I am totally committed to this company. Agree Since I scored seventeen, I am in the category that states that my organization is supportive and more flexible than most; however, there is room for me to grow (Snell & Bohlander, 2013). This scoring seems highly accurate to me. I do feel as though I have a very supportive and flexible place of employment; however, I feel that there is room for improvement. References Snell, S. , & Bohlander, G. (2013). Managing human resources. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning. Cengage Learning. (2016, Sep 26).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Contermporary Issues For Business and Society Essay

Contermporary Issues For Business and Society - Essay Example Users of Enron’s financial information assumed that the information availed was factual, reliable and could be used for sound decision-making. Enron scandal is the biggest audit failure and the largest bankruptcy reorganization in the American history. It is also the company that went down very fast and is the most known company in the world for its audit failure. This research seeks to analyze the causes of its failure and its consequences. When the Enron scandal was revealed, confidence in the capital market went down, careers of people were destroyed, and lead to bankruptcy, economic loss, and erosion of public confidence and trust in the audit profession. Corporate managers are expected to maximize shareholders’ returns and increase business value. They have a responsibility to present the true picture of their organizations to the public, shareholders, employees, and the government. Businesses follow ethics in presenting their financial information. Business ethics are a set of rules and precepts required in the preparation and reporting of financial information. They are set by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and include professional behavior, integrity, objective, confidentiality and professional competence and due care. However, they are not always followed and the financial information is sometimes manipulated. Several organizations have been in the news manipulating financial information and reporting it instead of the true information. Such organizations include Enron, Lehman Brothers, WorldCom, and South Sea Bubble. Responsible management is important to ensure the success of an organization. The management has a role on implementing internal controls in the organization to prevent financial loss and frauds. It prevents embezzlement, asset misappropriation that could lead to loss of reputation,

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Animal play VS human play Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Animal play VS human play - Essay Example In his explanations, he uses poetic language which is what plays are all about and therefore making his readers think outside the box of the plain language in order to understand his explanations and which will enable the reader to also engage in the same when reading and analyzing a poem in future (Brown 1). Huizinga’s article also like Brown’s discusses and elaborates plays. His approach is however different from that used by Brown even though both discussions center on both animal and human plays. He concentrates mainly on the cultural aspects and meaning the different plays have or which they try to relay or portray to the public. Other than explaining only the cultural meaning of plays, Huizinga categorizes and analyzes the psychological, physiological and even the biological aspects of a play (these are plays’ inner terminologies and language same as those used by Brown in his article). Huizinga concentrates more about what the plays mean and represent and not the type or category it belongs to (Huizinga 97). In spite of their different articles which are also different in discussion, both writers seem to be communicating with each other and their works also seem to be a continuation or explanation in detail of the other. As mentioned before, the article by Brown seems to center majorly on the play types and categorization according to their themes. He does this by use of minimal poetic language (that is however understood) numerous illustrations. The work of Huizinga is a deeper explanation of the meanings of different types of plays and their analysis under different themes and theories. This analysis therefore uses poetic language that is technical and if one is not familiar with such a language, then even the explanations being made will not be understood. Reading from Brown’s article to that by Huizinga is like a continuation but in much more details and requiring more concentration than was previously

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Rolling Stones Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Rolling Stones - Essay Example This took place at the Flamingo Jazz Club in Soho, London (DeRogatis and Kot 16-20). This paper seeks to discuss the Rolling Stones band and the impact they had in history. The Rolling Stones have had profound impact in both society and history. This was mostly seen in their fashion. The stones mode of dressing in the 1960’s was strange and somehow unacceptable in the society of this period. Their hair was usually long contrary to society of the day that men should have short hair. In addition, they lived openly with their girlfriends but failed to commit to marriage. This was contrary to society perception in the 1960’s. Old people in society of the time believed young men and women used courtship as a foundation for marriage. Consequently, the old people viewed them as degenerates, a lost lot, and having bad influence to their generation (DeRogatis and Kot 15). In contrast, young people adored them and they had a major influence on the character of young people (DeRogatis and Kot 15). The Stones were always against the society norm and therefore were against society dictatorship. The kids of the day were also against society conformity and standards. Hence, the Stones changed society in myriad ways. The other important thing of Rolling Stones was their lyrics. Their lyrics talks about real life and captures the attention of the teenagers around the globe. They demonstrate the victory of the youth over old in society. More so, their behavior was wanting and this made them rub shoulders with society. This is especially on their constant use and praising of drugs in their music. This made some of them die due to influence of drug while others underwent rehabilitation. Brian is said to have died in the swimming pool because he was under drug influence. Their clothes, accents and negative attitude about the issues that existed in society is a reflection of the Sixties era (DeRogatis and Kot 40-47). Moreover, Rolling Stone have had political and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Definition: Eco Tourism And Mass Tourism

Definition: Eco Tourism And Mass Tourism Eco-Tourism is a combination of two words Ecosystem and Tourism, together it is made Eco-tourism. Ecosystem is the system where everybody live, this system is compuse by the water, earth, sky and the living and not living objects such as micro-organism communities, plant, animal and their non living environment acting as a functional unit. Some examples to refer of ecosystem may be the river, the ocean, the jungle, a forest or a biome. And tourism means, the practice of travelling for pleasure. Therefore, a tourism which implicates a visit to an Ecosystem is well known as Eco-tourism. Thus, Eco-tourism can be defined as Tourism involving travel to areas of natural or ecological interest, mostly of the time under the guidance of a naturalist, having by objective learning about the environment making focus on wildlife awareness and conservation of the environment. However, Ecotourism still a new topic nowadays, the most acceptance definition is by Ceballos-Lascurain, who is generally a ccepted as the first person to define ecotourism Tourism that involves travelling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring, and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural manifestations found in these areas (Ceballos-Lascurain, 1991, P. 25). In addition, Ecotourism is a sustainable form of natural resources-based tourism that focuses primarily on experiencing and learning about nature, and which is ethically managed to be low-impact, non-consumptive, and locally oriented (control, benefits and scale). It typically occurs in natural areas, and should contribute to the conservation of such areas (Fennell, 1999, p 43). Fennell identified 13 main principles of ecotourism: interest in nature contributes to conservation reliance on parks and protected areas benefits local people long tern benefits Education and studies Low impact / non -consumptive ethics / responsibility management sustainable enjoyment and appreciation culture adventure and small scale In today world it is very easy to confuse Eco-tourism with mass tourism, but mass tourism is related to the number of people that visit a destination and most of the time those big groups are not eco-tourism because their only reason to visit those natural destinations is just for pleasure. They do not plan vacations to learn about the environment, know the culture of the destination and the most of the time they just expend the entire stayed in five start resort enjoying its facilities and they do not even has contact with any single natural attraction that the visit destination offer. 1.2 Importance of sustainable tourism Sustainable tourism has become essential for the tourism industy due to it is closely related to eco-tourism. Eco tourism is considered as the tourism development which try to capture a portion of tourism market that is attracted to natural beauties by providing low impact tourism products. Sustainable tourism would provide direct benefits to the local people. The private sector would assure least impact on the environment. Tourism projects will be initiated considering the size and scope of the land character with limited resorts located close to existing infrastructure offering economic benefits to local communities. It also includes development of preferential tourism zones committed to sustainable development and carrying out specific practices (Rauschelbach et al, 2002, pp: 229). 1.3 Benefits of Eco-Tourism practice The importance of the Eco-tourism and the benefits that this activity provides is indispensable for the sustainability of the natural destination. Eco-tourism is the only kind of tourism that provides awareness to the visitors as well the local population involving then in activities to preserve the destination, understanding the environmental issues and explain the consequences before they take place. Eco-tourism trainee the local populations in order to visualize the visitors as an alternative of income that will contribute to the destination survive. With significant economic benefits the local population needs to see their natural area as a source of income, conserving their local destination avoiding activities like cutting down all their rainforests that just contribute to the global warning. Tourism is the world ´s largest industry; in 1950 the number of tourist went from 25 million up to 702 million in 2000. Acoording to the World Tourism Organization for this 2010 the tourism growth rate will reach 1 billion and 1.6 billion in 2020. With the growth of science and technology, abundance in economy and revolutionary changes that have happened in the field of transportation have contributed largely to the development of the tourist trade all over the world. In todays world an individual can have breakfast in London, lunch in New York and dinner in Tokyo (Cooper and Hall, 2008, pp: 377). 2.0 Main body 2.1 Presentation of Cabo San Lucas as Eco-Tourism destination Cabo San Lucas has become an important vacation and spa destination located at the tip of the Baja peninsula in Baja California Sur, Mexico. This destination is well known for its natural attractions such as the sea of Cortez where the tourist can enjoy of several activities like whale watching, snorkel, kayak, scuba diving, parasailing, tours to the arch, and banana boat. The colorful desert with unique plant life is a natural curiosity in los Cabos, where hiking, ATV and horseback trip explore the area. The sea of Cortez is nationally and internationally recognized as ecosystem of significant biological, social and economic value. The Mexican government, who recognized the importance of the island, establishes then as natural protects area in 1978, under the category of flora and fauna protection area. Internationally the island is known as biosphere reserve by the UNESCO. Because of the beauty and natural of the destination and surrounding marine areas, visitors have the possibili ty to learn from this ecosystem. 2.2 Cabo San Lucas emerging issues For Cabo San Lucas still been a challenge the duty of educated local people and tourism to preserve the destination. One of the biggest obstacles to develop eco-tourism in Cabo San Lucas is the number of interest from the public and private serctor, especially in this destination that contain a vast American influence. For example, for some Tour Operators is very easy to pretend that they are bringing to the destination Eco-tourism but behind this, is just mass tourism. At this stage the destination is facing several emerging issues such as: The overfishing hurting of hundreds species including the Marlin and Tuna. The local population kill its flora and fauna to made local souvenir which are comercialize with the tourism. The local population is relative poor and is lack in knowledge and education, therefore they do not contribute to the conservation of the destination, as a method of income they operate tours in the Cortezs sea (using pangas, local wood boats), without respect the navigation rules such as the distance that they have to take in a while watching tour as well as the proximity to the sea lion colony. International investment in construction like Riu Hotels (Spanish company) which in 2007 built the Riu Sta. Fe with 1100 rooms and still operate as normal avoiding the FONATURs regulation rules ( National Fund for Tourism Development) . To clarify this example, in Cabo San Lucas is allowed hotels construction up to 900 rooms mention by FONATUR. Due to airline incresing price most of the tourist are opting to visit the destination by cruiseship which contribute to the massive desturbe of the fauna and pollution of the water. The mass tourism is overcrowding the destination through overbooking the accomodation and service facilities creating chaos in public areas such as bus transportation, beaches, parks and hospitals. The destination waste disposal is increasing due to the mass tourism. 2.3 Eco-Tourism strategies implement by Cabo San Lucas At this stage, the SEMARNAT (Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources) together with the CONANP (National Commission of Natural Protected) are implementing in the destination two eco-tourism strategies: A code of ethics for visitors and tourism operators, that have been implemented to complement the legal requirements in the destination having by objective the reduction of the emergencies issues mention before. This code of ethics is basically focus on tourism operators behaviors forcing them to: maintain the natural integrity of the places visit; respect the livehoods and culture of the local people. make a solid effort to be less wasteful with the natural resource. ensure waste disposal has not environmental impact. develop a recycling programs; support different companies in the hospitality and tourism industry that work under environmental policies. increase the network with other tours company in special those in the local area to keep aware of new conservation programs, environmental policies and eco-friendly techniques. get the appropriate education and training on Eco-tourism and low impact techniques such as respectful for the environment and local culture. support local economy but do not buy goods made from threatened or endangered species such as turtles; never disturb the wildlife and wildlife habitats. follow by the book the rules and regulations in protect areas; advertise truthfully and inform to the tourist about the natural and local history providing them useful materials. make sure that the clients that are coming are aware of the regulations, norms and code of ethic applicable in the visit destination and develop an environmental education program with the local communities. A guide for environmental tourism practice that refers to how the destination regularized activities related to bird watching, sea lions, diving and snorkeling, recreational booting etiquette, whales and dolphins, turtles and sport fishing. Some of those environmental tourism practices are summarizing here: obtaining permission from SEMART through the direction of flora and fauna protection area Islands of the Gulf of California before visit the island. forgibbean feed native animals. camp only on designated area. use only biodegradable products. is highly recommend visit the exotic fauna colonies with guide. watch the fauna from distance avoiding disturb or stress them. never attempt to touch the fauna, the boat have to be 90 feet away from the rocks and islets. avoid making loud noises and using strong lights near the colonies. it is forbidden by law to damage or remove coral or other marine organisms as well collect natural souvenirs like coral, shells, etc. do not interfere with the natural movements of the fauna. before fish make sure to have the permit through the local SAGARA office that provides information on official bag/size/ tackle limits, protected species and seasonal closures. As example of this successful Eco-tourism strategies, Olympus Tours one of the biggest tour operators from USA which is bringing to the destination more than 33.000 tourist year over year yearly, is totally agree with the procedures mentioned before and as prove of this in carryon the following iniciatives: Increasing employment opportunities for local residentes. Support and promote the local culture and customs. Contribiute to prevent the exploitation of children in tourism. Foment activities where the tourist interact with the local people. Operate safe trips for the natural envaironment and the tourism. Support local communities and organization. Work with suppliers that share the same social responsibility. Avoid activities which exploit flora and fauna such as diving with dolphins. Reduce energy consumption. Recycle as much as possible. Agrements with establishments and hotels that implement eco-friendly techniques and green practices. Another success example of the eco-tourism strategies in the destination are related to the hotels and resorts which are implementing several eco-friendly and green techniques such as: Intercontinental chain that asks to its customers to conserve water by reusing towels and limiting the number of times the linens are changed. Barcelà ³ chain is adopting many local plants that thrive in arid Baja in its landscaping an stead of grass that require daily irrigation. Nh-hotels has introduced for its customers the leastest technology in room functions, controlled by LCD where the air condition turns off when the patio door is open. Riu Hotels has finished its remodeling project replacing the baths with walking showers. Hilton Los Cabos is changing its wedding concept, offering to its customers a new phenomenon called green wedding. This package offers to brides and grooms a lot of alternatives adding green elements into their destination wedding. Based on the nature of the destination and the natural beauty of the surrounding environment, couples can choose an outdoor wedding area offered by the Hilton Los Cabos like lagoons, seaside gazebos, white sand beach, therefore reducing their energy used by having the wedding during the day. Dining service will include organic items such as organic tequila, domestic wines and organic cakes. End the celebration with eco-friendly fireworks that produce less smoke than the regulars and reduce the number of toxic metals that commonly left in the water. 3.0 Conclusion 3.1 Summary the importance of Eco-Tourism in destinations The Eco-tourism presence in natural destinations is becaming more and more importante for the sustainability of the destination. Eco-tourism main function is develop awarenesses between local people and tourist regarding the importance of the preservation and conservation of the natural environment as well local culture. As was discused above, Cabo San Lucas with the impact of the Eco-tourism is becaming as a green destination with several Eco-friendly iniciatives form the hospitality supplieres such as hotels and tour operators. Customer are willing to pay more for accommodation that promote green activities, and Hilton hotel can not be a better example of this transformation, which is offering to its clients green weddings introducing to the market a vast of green items such as out door facilities, organic dinner, organic cake and low smoke fireworks. All those elements have by objective the reduction of the negative impact in the destination. Another positive impac that eco-tourism bring to the natural destination is related to the economic aspect.Cabo San Luas has been growing rapidly in the past 10 years with mega constructions projects such as resorts, shoping malls, hospitals, speedway, international airport amplification that drive to the destination the international brand business such as Wallmart, Mc. Donalds, Hooters, burguer King and starbucks which increase and improve the laboral condition with several available positions. As was mentioned before, the destination has a significant international influx form Americans and Canadeans and it is semeed through the biggest tour operatior that bring tourism to the destination like is Apple Vacations, Olympus tours, The Mark Travel Corporation, Thomas Cook among others which are incentive and promote in Cabo San Lucas the Eco-tourism as an alternative way of travel. Today, there are Green Laws of preservation, which are making people aware of how humans and the environment can cohexist beneficially for more time to come and Eco-tourism is one way to maximize the environmental and social benefits of tourism, without exclude the economic developments having by objective the sustainability of the culture and environment. 3.2Recommendation to overcome emerging issues in Cabo San Lucas The Eco-tourism strategies that Cabo San Lucas is applying to contribuite with the sustainability of the destination are a code of ethics for visitors and tourism operators and a guide for environmental tourism practice which ones had been showed evidence that are working very well. However there is opportunity to improve, there are many things that have gone unobserved by the autorities. There is a need for altering the landowners act as it has caused many conflicts. The local landowners should be guaranteed with the insurance policies so that they can support the tourism activities that help in sustaining the resources. Department dealing with allotting areas and granting permission should frame uniform policies so that recreational providers dont get confused while asking for permission. It is believed that most of the tourists dont respect the local culture and also the local people. Tourists should be told to respect the local crowd and local culture. There is need for proper management in Cabo San Lucas and also the tourists should be allowed only during the certain seasons for activities like while watching and other watersports. Authorities need to work and implement aggressive marketing policies for the the destination as well foment activities where the new local generation get involve with the culture and preserve the sustainability of this one. 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